Petite Maison Brunch Event
Haziran 8, 2022BeStylish Get Away Event
Haziran 10, 2022
Many celebrities and influencers came together in cooperation with Petite Maison and Gardırop Magazine for the launch of the summer series products.
June 2022
Summer vibes, summer love and Petite Maison Summer Series!
With the motto of #itsyoursummer, our sun series, one of the new members of our family has launched. As the Petite Maison family, we enjoyed the sea and the sun in Bodrum with an exciting event called “Summer Style” organized by Gardırop Magazine.
The newest members of our family caught the eye with their sparkles during these two days. We spent to the fullest with the pretty view of the sea, sand and sun.
Petite Maison Solar Series took the leading role in this event with lots of sunshine, music and dancing!