Max Azaryad
Founder of Petite Maison

Beauty is our inspiration.
We have witnessed that hair, face and body mean nothing on their own. That's when we realized that our strongest words are not made up of our sentences, and what a little touch can change.
When you are very happy or when you hit rock bottom, you tell yourself first. It's like not being able to give up on something. Always wanting to go to him, to run to him…
Because a person does not leave himself alone no matter what, he looks for a place where he will feel safe and that place always turns out to be himself. It becomes its own home. Then he understands how valuable it is to have a roof in which you will feel safe, and the foundation of this roof begins in the skin of the person. The more you are at peace with it, the more you accept it, the more you belong to your home, yourself, your body, your skin…
Pure skin pure beauty!
In our story, which we set out with the slogan "Your skin is your home", we embrace the business model suitable for the future and strive to leave a legacy to the next generations in line with sustainable goals. We continue to work for a forward-looking world with our product categories and content choices.

Go 50's!
We are inspired by the 50's understanding of beauty. We believe that beauty comes from simplicity and a healthy skin, so we keep up with today's understanding of cosmetics, but we are fed with the understanding of healthy skin and beauty of the 50s.
Purify the world!
We took our inspiration from nature and every work done with love. We brought the atmosphere of the 1950s together with today’s world. We try to destroy certain perceptions of beauty and believe that every skin is beautiful, so that everyone should start to love their skin to love themselves. Since the day Petite Maison was founded, we have worked hard to make our brand a strong, confident and dynamic and to make everyone, every skin and every gender feel happy and good. Because everyone is beautiful, and every skin deserves a good treatment.Inspired by nature, we embrace being kind and healing, creating a unifying, soothing and luminous atmosphere. We do not harm any animals during and after production, and we benefit from the most beautiful ingredients of nature. Our first and the most impartant aim is to purify our world.