We believe in respect for nature, animals, people and the environment.

Our Heritage to the Future Brand Value

In our brand, where we carry the past to the future, we offer privileges to the future by combining nutritious ingredients with nature-friendly formulas, providing the right quality-price ratio in the light of high quality, innovative and different products, and we produce for you in the global and Turkish markets. Petite Maison, which has a heritage brand value for the future with the touches from the past, reflects the warmth and self-confidence in the home of our valued consumers.


To be an innovative and beneficial brand for everyone who feels the same value under different roofs.


To give your skin the touch it deserves with the principle of care for everyone and to ensure unconditional customer satisfaction with our valuable employees.


  • Giving your skin the value it deserves.
  • To contribute to a sustainable world.
  • Customer happiness.
  • To offer innovative and different experiences.
  • To have the free brand spirit.
  • Being solution oriented.
  • To be respectful to nature and labor.


As Petite Masion, we believe that it doesn't matter where you were born, where you are from, hair color, eye color, how tall you are, how much you weigh, how old you are. Because time passes, what is known as a flaw, what looks beautiful, what is admired, loved or popular will changes.

We know that the lines on the corners of your lips are traces of smiles, and those on your forehead are traces of your excitement. We believe in the importance of being real, being yourself, being beautiful the way you are, not being the coolest and most beautiful.

We defend beauty in our most natural state, independent of the social roles assigned to the genders, the impositions and pressures of beauty. Just like being at home, comfortable, without filters, without make-up and packaging...

That's why we say "your skin is your home". The most basic home we have is our own skin.


In our story, which we set out with the slogan Your skin is your home, we embrace the business model suitable for the future and continue on our way to leave an experience in line with sustainable target strategies to the next generations. We continue to work for a forward-looking world with our product categories and content choices.

With the understanding of sustainability, we aim to create a positive change for people and the environment. We take good care of both nature and your skin with production, distribution and consumption processes and sustainable products.
With environmentally friendly formulas, we reduce the possibility of skin irritation and allergic reactions in the consumer, and we aim to clean human health in the long term with skin and environmentally friendly components. We work and produce products that do not risk human health, that consist of few components instead of many, and that obtain their raw material source from renewable materials, with sensitivity towards the environment and our planet.


We are in a period in which we understand that the respect for nature and the importance given to the right of animals to live are more and more valuable day by day. Although most of us have this thought, unfortunately we forget to show this sensitivity when choosing the skin care and cosmetic products we will use.As Petite Maison, our first and greatest goal is to be a brand that does not harm animals and nature. For this reason, we do not test any of our products on animals. We produce vegan ingredients with natural ingredients, and we are proud to be a sustainable, nature and animal friendly brand!


It is cultural sharing that develops and unites societies and enables them to understand each other. Art is the most important instrument of this cultural permeability. Sometimes it meets the common denominator, and sometimes it leads the development through cultural exchange. The necessity for all brands that are in international trade in the global world order to invest in art arises from this. As Petite Maison, we sincerely support art, artists, the development of society, and communication between societies and cultures. We support many projects in these areas financially and morally.

Petite Maison, which has supported many artistic events and cultural projects in the past years, is preparing to contribute to many projects in the coming period.